Receptions and meetings
The Maritime Museum has a unique venue for receptions, right in the heart of the port city and overlooking the historic museum harbour.
The maritime sector is deeply rooted in the Dutch culture and economy, underpinning our economic development in both past and present. The innovative and entrepreneurial strength of this sector of the economy is something that you can feel in the museum. We will be delighted to tell you and your guests the fascinating story of the port of Rotterdam – past, present and future – and of the high-tech offshore sector in particular.

Our meeting packages

Celebrate your drinks or reception at a unique location

Het Dok: The maritime world at your feet

Verolme Room: Meetings with a maritime atmosphere

Verolme Room XL: Oceans of space

Engelbrecht Room: Meetings with a maritime atmosphere

The ‘Lage Licht’: With a view of the lighthouse

Destination Harbour City: A treat to savor

At Anchor! Unique group event on an inland vessel

Round trips: A unique way to discover the port

Our guided tours