After 1960, the market for new ships shrinks. How do Dutch shipyards respond?
After 1960, the market for new ships shrinks. How do Dutch shipyards respond?
Although ship repair was still doing fine, it was not enough to compensate for the decreasing income from newbuilt ships. Shipyards therefore looked at other markets. They hoped that with less competition in those markets they would be able to achieve positive returns. Examples of relatively similar activities were the production of ships and installations for the offshore industry, but there were also so-called land activities. These activities had little or even nothing to do with shipbuilding. For example central heating radiators, construction parts for schools and nuclear reactors. When the shipbuilding conglomerate Rijn-Schelde-Verolme, in the years following the 1973 oil crisis, could no longer sell the ships it had built, it even established its own shipping company in order to exploit the ships itself. These strategies were rarely a success and did not turn out to be the solution to save the shipyards from collapse.
From 1870 onwards, shipyards build increasingly large ships. How does this affect where they are located?
For centuries, shipyards are family businesses. Why do these firms start to disappear after 1850?
New ships are made of iron and powered by steam. How does that change the way shipyards work after 1870?
Rapid scientific progress changes the way ships are built. Where do shipbuilders gain this new expertise?
Indonesia is a Dutch colony until 1949: the Dutch East Indies. How does this effect the building of large ocean-going vessels in the Netherlands?
Dutch shipbuilders rely on a small group of large Dutch shipping companies. What kind of impact do these companies have on the country’s shipyards?
After 1960, the market for new ships shrinks. How do Dutch shipyards respond?
Ever larger ships are built, but building them is less profitable. Why do not shipyards earn more from building larger ships?
From 1960, Dutch shipbuilding goes into decline. What does the government do to help?
After 1983, Dutch shipbuilders reinvent themselves. What have the shipyards learned from the past?
The maritime sector is crucial for the Netherlands. What does the government do to support the sector?
Dutch shipbuilders build complex ships. In what way do Dutch shipyards differ from their foreign competitors?