From 1960, Dutch shipbuilding goes into decline. What does the government do to help?
From 1960, Dutch shipbuilding goes into decline. What does the government do to help?
The government only got involved after the shipyards insisted that the industry needed help in the early 1960s. As a result, in 1965 a government committee was formed to study the problems and provide solutions. In response to the report of the committee the government introduced interest subsidies, with which customers could borrow money at lower rates when they ordered a ship from a Dutch shipyard. The government was also closely involved in the rescue of the NDSM shipyard in Amsterdam in 1968 and the enforced formation of the large shipbuilding concern Rijn-Schelde-Verolme in 1971. However, the largest part of the 2,7 billion guilders of government support granted to Rijn-Schelde-Verolme was given after 1976. From that point onwards the RSV concern could only survive by means of government support. In 1983 it went bankrupt after all. A political trauma was born. After this event the government became very cautious with granting state support to companies.
From 1870 onwards, shipyards build increasingly large ships. How does this affect where they are located?
For centuries, shipyards are family businesses. Why do these firms start to disappear after 1850?
New ships are made of iron and powered by steam. How does that change the way shipyards work after 1870?
Rapid scientific progress changes the way ships are built. Where do shipbuilders gain this new expertise?
Indonesia is a Dutch colony until 1949: the Dutch East Indies. How does this effect the building of large ocean-going vessels in the Netherlands?
Dutch shipbuilders rely on a small group of large Dutch shipping companies. What kind of impact do these companies have on the country’s shipyards?
After 1960, the market for new ships shrinks. How do Dutch shipyards respond?
Ever larger ships are built, but building them is less profitable. Why do not shipyards earn more from building larger ships?
From 1960, Dutch shipbuilding goes into decline. What does the government do to help?
After 1983, Dutch shipbuilders reinvent themselves. What have the shipyards learned from the past?
The maritime sector is crucial for the Netherlands. What does the government do to support the sector?
Dutch shipbuilders build complex ships. In what way do Dutch shipyards differ from their foreign competitors?