Unsere Datenschutzerklärung ist nur auf Niederländisch und Englisch verfügbar.
3. Contact form via the website
If you contact the Maritime Museum via the contact form because you have questions or complaints, we will store your contact information and your question or complaint. We may ask you to provide more information if we consider this necessary to answer the question or handle the complaint. The information collected in this manner is used to answer the particular questions and to process the complaints, among other purposes. The information provided is also stored in a database.
4. Registering a Friends Subscription via the website
In order to register as a Friend of the Museum, you must provide your complete name, address, telephone number and a valid e-mail address. You can change the information you provide at any time. In addition to the purposes discussed below in this Privacy Statement, we use the information provided to create your membership in the first instance and in order to provide you with the associated functionalities. The information that you provide or that is provided via other functionalities is stored in a database and is not shared with third parties. This information is also used to send you newsletters and to provide you with personal offers. For more about this, see item 9 "Personal offers".
5. Membership in the Professor Splash Club and digital messages in a bottle
In the Professor Splash exhibit, children with adult supervision can register to become members of the Professor Splash Club. For this, we ask you to provide personal information about the child; the required information consists of the complete name, address, e-mail address and date of birth. You can change the information you provide at any time. In addition to the purposes discussed below in this Privacy Statement, we use the information provided to create your membership in the first instance and in order to provide you with the associated functionalities such as the delivery of a digital message in a bottle. The information that you provide or that is provided via other functionalities is stored in our database and is not shared with third parties. This information is also used to provide you with personal offers. For more about this, see item 9 "Personal offers". The membership can be cancelled immediately and at any time. If you no longer wish to receive digital messages in a bottle, then you can use the "unsubscribe" link included in each newsletter.
6. Purchasing E-tickets via the website or reserving a rental or group visit
If you wish to purchase entrance tickets online or by telephone, or if you reserve a rental or group visit online, then we ask you to provide personal data. This information is used to be able to provide services. Consider, for example, sending cards to your e-mail address, creating quotes or invoices or sending a confirmation or evaluation. The data is stored on (secured) servers and is not provided to third parties. We shall comply with all applicable legislation concerning data protection and regulations and we shall cooperate with the relevant authorities.
7. Registering for our digital newsletter
You can register for the digital newsletters that we send. We ask you to provide personal information for this, such that only your e-mail address is required. The information that you provide or that is provided via other functionalities is stored in a database and is not shared with third parties. If you have registered for the newsletter, we use the e-mail address you provided to send the newsletter. We can also use your name and the data that you yourself have provided about your preferences and wishes concerning museum visits to personalise the newsletter. See also item 9 concerning this. No longer wish to receive newsletters from us? Then you can use the "unsubscribe" link included in each newsletter. Simple, isn’t it?
8. Collecting information at the Offshore Experience to expand your experience
Whenever you visit the Offshore Experience, you log in with your museum entry ticket that is provided with a unique QR code. Your personal information is needed for this: your name, your degree of difficulty and/or whether you wish to do the experience in Dutch or in English. You start the interactive games in the platform with this ticket. Your personal results and unexpected photos of you in action while you try to land a helicopter on a platform at sea and while you play the dynamic positioning trainer game are stored in the QR code. At the end of the experience, you can log in using your ticket and view your personal scores. You can create a certificate and add a portrait photo that can be taken on site. If you wish to receive this personally by e-mail, you must share your complete name, e-mail address and postal code with us. We ask for your postal code solely for statistical purposes; your personal data cannot be derived from this. See item 11 concerning this. Registering for our e-newsletter is optional.
In addition to the purposes discussed below in this Privacy Statement, we use the information provided to send your personal results and photo in an e-mail in the first place and we then ask you to share your user experience with us for study. The information you provide or that is provided by means of other functionalities is stored in a database and is definitively removed after two years.
9. Personal offers
A profile is set up based on the information that we collect. Based on this profile, we try to align our offers with you as well as possible. These offers can be brought to your attention by means of e-mail messages or third-party websites.
For this, we use the following, among other things:
- Data collected using cookies
- Data from statistical research in our databases
- Data you provide us when registering
If you no longer wish to have us use your information for this purpose, then you can withdraw the permission you granted by sending a message via the contact form at www.maritiemmuseum.nl/contact.
10. Retention of personal data
We do not retain your personal information any longer than is required to substantiate the purposes for which the information was obtained.
11. Provision to third parties
In some cases, we make use of third parties on the website – e.g. for hosting our databases, the sale of E-tickets and for the e-mail transmission system. We have contracts in place with these third parties in which agreements are made about the technical and organisational measures they must take to protect your information. We do not share your information with third parties, and your data does not end up in countries outside the Netherlands or the EU.
We can provide your information to third parties if you yourself have given permission for this. In addition, we can also provide information to third parties if this cannot be traced back to you personally – such as automatically generated information (i.e., not your IP address) and your postal code and house number for statistical study, for example.
12. No authority over third-party services and websites to which links are made
There may be hyperlinks on our website with which you leave our website and end up on the website of another party. The Maritime Museum has no authority over the third-party services and websites to which links are made. So other privacy statements may apply to those third-party services and websites. We accept no responsibility or liability whatsoever for the (operation and/or content of) third-party services and/or websites.
13. Protection of your information
We consider the proper security of your information to be extremely important and have taken appropriate technical and organisational measures to secure your data against loss or any form of illegal processing.
14. Right to view, change or remove your information
If you wish to view your information, or have it be corrected, added to or removed, then you can send a request for this using the contact form at www.maritiemmuseum.nl/contact. We will respond to your request within four weeks.
15. Minors
In principle, anyone may use the website, purchase E-tickets, register as a Friend or register for the newsletter. If you are younger than 16, then please ask permission from your legal representative (foster) parent(s), guardian or caregiver who has read this Privacy Statement. Registering with Professor Splash can only be done under the supervision of an adult; this also applies to visits to the museum and to the Offshore Experience.
16. Changes to this Privacy Statement
This Privacy Statement can be changed. The most recent version of the Privacy Statement is from September 2020.